Democrats are pushing new gun control measures

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A couple of gun control measures are being pushed by Democrats in Washington.
H.R. 8 would establish new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties.  Specifically, it would prohibit a transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check.  This would not apply to certain transfers, like a gift between spouses in good father.

H.R. 1446 increases the amount of time that a federal firearms licensee has to wait to receive a completed background check from 3 days to a minimum of 10.  If a submitted background check remains incomplete after 10 business days, then the prospective purchaser may submit a petition for a final firearms eligibility determination. If an additional 10 days elapse without a final determination, then the federal firearms licensee may transfer the firearm to the prospective purchaser.

MS Congressman Michael Guest says he believes Democrats are going to do what they can to make it as hard as possible for law-abiding citizens to possess guns, to purchase guns and to purchase ammunition.

“It would really have a chilling affect on individuals being able to freely buy and sell firearms,” said Guest.  “And it would force everybody into the federal firearms system so that there would be a better ability to track those guns that were being bought and sold.”

Guest continues, “So if you loaned a gun to a friend who was concerned about their safety, and it was used in a matter of self-defense,  the federal government could then charge you for the fact that you either gave or sold a gun to someone without going through the appropriate background check.”

MS Congressman Steven Palazzo called the bills an attack on law-abiding gun owners.  He says we can work to end gun violence, but targeting all gun owners and painting them as criminals is not the right approach.


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