Reeves approves massive raises to state elected officials

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Major raises for state elected officials were passed without a signature by Governor Tate Reeves on Monday, including raises as large as $60,000 to certain officials.

Increases ranging from 22% to 67% are detailed within the approved House Bill 1426, with the smallest raise totaling approximately $17,000 for the transportation and public service commissioners and the largest raise set to be $60,000 for both the state auditor and the insurance commissioner.

Office Current Salary Proposed Pay Raise Proposed New Salary
Governor $122,160 +$37,840 $160,000
Attorney General $108,960 +$41,040 $150,000
Secretary of State $90,000 +$30,000 $120,000
Insurance Commissioner $90,000 +$60,000 $150,000
Treasurer $90,000 +$30,000 $120,000
Auditor $90,000 +$60,000 $150,000
Agriculture Commissioner $90,000 +$30,000 $120,000
Transportation Commissioners $78,000 +$17,000 $95,000
Public Service Commissioners $78,000 +$17,000 $95,000
Lieutenant Governor $60,000 +$25,000 $85,000
House Speaker $60,000 +$25,000 $85,000

When the bill was first being discussed by the legislature, Senator John Polk, R-Hattiesburg, explained that the proposed raises were recommended by the State Personnel Board based on other salaries in the region and would take into effect in 2024.

Despite some jealousy from several legislators, the bill passed 86-17 in the House and 47-3 in the Senate on April 4.

Large state official pay raise bill waits for Governor Reeves’ signature

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