Mississippi House passes bill that would allow liquor stores to open on Sundays

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Have you ever been in the mood for something a little stronger than beer before all of the sudden remembering it’s Sunday and all of the liquor stores are closed?

Well, if that’s the case, you might be in luck. The Mississippi House of Representatives recently passed a bill that would allow liquor stores to be open on Sundays.

House Bill 384, authored by Republican Representative Brent Powell of Brandon, would give wet counties the choice to authorize liquor stores to be open between the hours of 1 and 6 p.m. on Sundays.

As of now, ABC-permitted liquor stores in Mississippi can sell liquor between 10 a.m. and midnight, Monday through Saturday, and are required to be closed on Sundays and Christmas Day.

The bill has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee as it awaits further discussion.

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