White-tailed deer hunting season extended in Mississippi

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Good news for outdoorsmen across Mississippi — there will be additional opportunities to hunt deer this year.

The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks announced on Thursday that the either-sex white-tailed deer season has been extended through 30 minutes after sunset on Sunday, February 2 — two days past the original deadline — on private lands in the Delta, Hills, and North Central Deer Management units.

The extension does not apply to the Southeast Deer Management Unit. Sportsmen in that area have until February 15 to hunt white-tailed deer.

Bag limits are not altered as a result of the extension. More information on how many deer can be killed in a season can be found here.

“MDWFP encourages hunters to exercise their bag limit, particularly antlerless deer, and submit any deer taken during these additional days to be tested for Chronic Wasting Disease,” a statement from the state agency reads.