2 Hinds County polling locations changed for primary election

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Just hours away from Primary Election Day 2023, two Hinds County precincts have changed locations.

If you are a District 5 resident and usually vote at the Eudora Welty Library, your new polling location will be at the Old Capitol Inn at 226 North State Street in Jackson.

For District 2 residents who vote at Sumner Hill Junior High School in Clinton, you will now vote at Pinehaven Fire Station at 1973 Pinehaven Drive.

Additional Election Day Reminders
  • In-Person Voting: Polls for the August 8 elections open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Any voter in line before 7 p.m. is legally entitled to cast a ballot.
  • Polling Place Location: Please contact your County Circuit Clerk’s Office or local Election Commissioners to verify your polling place. Click here for a polling place locator. 
  • Voter Photo ID: Voters are required to show photo identification at the polls. A voter without an acceptable form of identification is entitled to cast an affidavit ballot. Click here for a list of acceptable photo IDs. 
  • Campaigning: It is unlawful to campaign for any candidate within 150 feet of any entrance to a polling place, unless on private property.
  • Loitering: The polling places should be clear for 30 feet from every entrance of all people except elections officials, voters waiting to vote, or authorized poll watchers.
  • Camera Phones: Voters are prohibited from taking pictures of their marked ballot.

For questions regarding Election Day, call 1-800-829-6786 or email ElectionsAnswers@sos.ms.gov. And to keep up with the latest election results here in Mississippi, tune in to one of the 48 stations across the state that carries SuperTalk Mississippi News.

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