70-acre wildfire contained in Simpson, Smith counties

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The Mississippi Forestry Commission (MFC) contained a wildfire spanning across 70 acres on the Simpson-Smith County line two days after officials called for a partial burn ban to become effective throughout the state.

MFC released a video of the fire on social media on Sunday evening, saying that the wildfire broke out earlier in the day.

On Friday afternoon, Governor Tate Reeves, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), and MFC officials issued a burn ban for 40 counties as parts of the state have not seen measurable rain in over a month.

“Much of the state is experiencing significant drought conditions,” Reeves said. “With the current drought conditions and little rainfall in the forecast, we are taking action now to protect the public. The state of Mississippi will continue to monitor conditions and respond as needed.”

MFC has since released the following wildfire prevention tips to protect Mississippi’s approximately 20 million acres of forestland.

  1. Only you can prevent wildfires
  2. Always be careful with fire
  3. Never play with matches or lighters
  4. Always watch your campfire
  5. Make sure your campfire is completely out before leaving it

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