The Biloxi Police Department is now accepting applications for its inaugural Citizen’s Police Academy. The program–which is designed to give residents insight into how the Biloxi Police Department serves the community–will begin January 4th.
“The CPA program will help to build a stronger bond between the police officers and the department’s personnel with the local citizens,” said Police Capt. Thomas Goldsworthy. “It will also allow a better understanding of what we do, how it is done, and why we do what we do.”
The CPA will be a 10-week class taught on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at the Lopez-Quave Public Safety Center, 170 Porter Ave. The program will run through March 15 and will include classroom-based teaching, a ride-along, department tour, and hands-on demonstrations with some police equipment.
Participants must be at least 21 years old, a resident of Harrison County, and must complete an application, which is available at the front desk of the Public Safety Center.
Application deadline is Dec. 17, and the program is limited to 25 participants.
For questions, contact Captain Goldsworthy at 228-385-3033 weekdays, by cell at 228-348-8227 or by email at
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