Disaster unemployment assistance applications open for Mississippi tornado victims

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Mississippi residents who were unable to work as a direct result of the March 24-25 severe weather and tornadoes may qualify for disaster unemployment assistance (DUA).

Eligible residents who live or work in Carroll, Humphreys, Monroe, Montgomery, Panola, or Sharkey counties can file a claim with the Mississippi Department of Employment Security to request benefits.

One must have been unemployed for more than one week following the March storms to be deemed eligible. Each claim will be reviewed to determine eligibility.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency funds DUA, but the Mississippi Department of Employment Security administers the program.

Self-employed and unemployed individuals may qualify. In addition, residents who were unable to reach their place of business because the disaster prevented their travel, or those who were scheduled to begin work, but couldn’t because of the storms, may also apply.

Potentially eligible applicants include those who:

  • Became the major wage earner for the household because of a disaster-related death
  • Cannot work because of an injury caused as a direct result of the storms
  • Could not work or lost work because of physical damage or destruction of a business
  • Are unable to work because of the physical inaccessibility of the place of employment due to its closure.

To apply for DUA, click here or call (601) 493-9428 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The deadline to apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance is May 8.

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