Former U.S. Secretary of Education promotes school choice in Mississippi

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Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos joined state officials in Jackson on Friday to share her viewpoint on the current condition of the nation’s education system.

During the event, DeVos discussed topics relating to the COVID lockdowns, stating that the move permanently set back the educational attainment of an entire generation.

DeVos stated that although she did not agree with the lockdowns, she thought they alerted parents across the country on what occurred in the classroom. Since then, DeVos said that she has witnessed a “great parental awakening” throughout the U.S.

“Parents had a front row seat to what was really happening in their kid’s schools during COVID and for a variety of reasons, they are demanding that they now have a lot more control over how their kids learn and where they learn,” DeVos said during an interview on MidDays with Gerard Gibert. “We’re seeing states across the country passing these universal plans to give families the opportunity to make those choices.”

The author also talked about her new book, “Hostages No More,” which gives DeVos’ stance on why education freedom is necessary and what it might take to bring a similar change in Mississippi.

“There is giant momentum behind the education freedom move to ensure that parents can make decisions about where their kids learn and how they learn,” DeVos explained. “Mississippi is poised to take steps in that direction.”

DeVos was joined by President and CEO of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, Douglas Carswell, who interviewed her on vested interests that attempt to control every aspect of the education system.

“Listening to Mrs. DeVos, it is clear that that is not enough to stop radical leftist ideas being promoted in schools at taxpayers’ expense,” Carswell explained. “Only education freedom – giving moms and dads the power to allocate their child’s share of tax dollars – will end the advance of ‘woke’ ideology in our schools.”

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