With less than a day remaining until Mississippi’s primary elections, over 40,000 absentee ballots have been received by the secretary of state’s office.
According to the Statewide Election Management System (SEMS), 45,199 absentee ballots have been requested, 44,715 absentee ballots have been sent, and 40,696 absentee ballots have been received.
The updated number of absentee ballots requested in Mississippi for the 2023 primary elections tops both the 2015 and 2019 totals. In 2015, 37,704 absentee ballots were requested, and in 2019, 45,096 were requested.
If you are one of the many who are planning to vote in person on Tuesday, here are some reminders for Election Day:
- In-Person Voting: Polls for the August 8 elections open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Any voter in line before 7 p.m. is legally entitled to cast a ballot.
- Polling Place Location: Please contact your County Circuit Clerk’s Office or local Election Commissioners to verify your polling place. Click here for a polling place locator.
- Voter Photo ID: Voters are required to show photo identification at the polls. A voter without an acceptable form of identification is entitled to cast an affidavit ballot. Click here for a list of acceptable photo IDs.
- Campaigning: It is unlawful to campaign for any candidate within 150 feet of any entrance to a polling place, unless on private property.
- Loitering: The polling places should be clear for 30 feet from every entrance of all people except elections officials, voters waiting to vote, or authorized poll watchers.
- Camera Phones: Voters are prohibited from taking pictures of their marked ballot.
For questions regarding Election Day, call 1-800-829-6786 or email ElectionsAnswers@sos.ms.gov. And to keep up with the latest election results here in Mississippi, tune in to one of the 48 stations across the state that carries SuperTalk Mississippi News.
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