Reeves calls vaccine mandate an “attack on working-class Americans” 

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As Republican governors mull a legal challenge to the recent vaccine mandate issued by President Joe Biden, Governor Tate Reeves joined Fox Business this morning and called the forthcoming rule “an attack on working-class Americans.” 

Announced last week, the president is enlisting the assistance of the Department of Labor to draft and issue an ‘Emergency Temporary Standard’ that will require private businesses employing 100+ individuals to mandate vaccinations. The rule would require any remaining unvaccinated employees to show a negative test on at least a weekly basis.

Speaking with Fox’s Stuart Varney, Governor Reeves reiterated his belief that the idea behind the rule is unconstitutional. 

“This is one person trying to place an edict on all Americans without it going through the Legislative Branch, without it going through the legislative democracy that America was founded upon,” he said. 

The governor also called the action a “tyrannical-type move” by President Biden and said that such a mandate should only be adopted by Congress. He also criticized the president for seemingly flip-flopping on issuing a federal vaccine mandate.

The rule is estimated to impact around 80 million Americans. 

“I’m concerned about making individual Americans choose between getting a shot in their arm and providing for their families,” Governor Reeves said. 

He also expressed his belief that the mandate will further exacerbate the labor shortage across the country. 

“It is hard for small business owners to hire the necessary people to get their products to market. It’s hard for small businesses to hire the necessary people to provide the services that they provide, and this is just going to make it even more difficult,” the governor said. 

Several Republican governors and the Republican National Committee have indicated their intent to challenge the mandate’s implementation.

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