Safety tips to keep in mind as Tropical Storm Ida forms

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As forecasters track a potentially dangerous storm, now designated as Tropical Storm Ida, it’s important to be prepared ahead of time. 

This morning, AccuWeather shared its prediction that the central Gulf Coast, including Mississippi, needs to prepare for the possibility of a major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger) if Ida continues to strengthen as it approaches the Gulf. The storm is currently projected to make landfall late Sunday or early Monday. 

While the forecast may change in the coming days, it’s vital that you take this time to develop a family emergency plan, learn evacuation routes and assemble a three to five-day disaster supply kit that, according to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency, should contain:

  • Flashlight and battery-powered radio with additional batteries.
  • Canned and non-perishable food.
  • Bottled water.
  • Toiletry items.
  • Pet food and pet supplies.
  • Medicine and prescription medication.
  • Copies of important family papers and documents.
  • Personal protective equipment

For a look at Mississippi’s evacuation routes, click here. MEMA also recommends filing up your gas tank in case of an evacuation. 

If you choose to go to a shelter at any point this hurricane season, keep in mind that masks will be required. Pets are not allowed in most shelters, so have a plan to protect your pets .

If there was ever a reminder to stay weather aware, this Sunday represents the the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landall. 

The post Safety tips to keep in mind as Tropical Storm Ida forms appeared first on SuperTalk Mississippi.