�Skip the Line� program now available at driver�s license stations statewide

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The Department of Public Safety�s new �Skip the Line� program is now in effect at driver�s license stations across the state of Mississippi.

Announced back in early September, the program allows you to make appointments online and moves renewal applications for firearm permits to a mail-in-only system.

  • Online Appointment System: Customers can schedule an appointment at the location of their choice. All appointments will be given priority service over walk-in customers.
  • Skip the Line Cam: Customers can view the lines at all major Driver�s License stations prior to arriving by visiting https://www.driverservicebureau.dps.ms.gov/live-feeds.
  • Online/Mail-In Firearm Renewal: Effective immediately, all firearm permit renewal applications will be mail-in only. Firearm permit renewal applications are available online.

Additionally, you are no longer limited to visiting a station on the day of the week corresponding with the first letter of your last name � a system originally implemented in June as stations were beginning to reopen after the pandemic-induced shutdown.

To learn more about the program, click here.

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