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SuperTalk Eagle Hour – August 11, 2021 – Ben Brewer/USM Assistant Baseball Coach, Patrick Magee

posted in: Mississippi News | 0

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Thunder & Lightning: Rumbling Through Training Camp

posted in: Mississippi News | 0

Mississippi State is on the practice field, but Brian Hadad and Robbie Faulk are in the mailbag. The guys answer your questions from Twitter, hitting on football, baseball, and everything else. WOPodcastPlayer({ “playerElementId”: “wo-podcast-player-3864590”, “feed”: { “link”: “”, “type”: “mrss” … Continued

SuperTalk Eagle Hour – August 10, 2021 – Dixie Youth World Series

posted in: Mississippi News | 0

WOPodcastPlayer({ “playerElementId”: “wo-podcast-player-3864483”, “feed”: { “link”: “”, “type”: “mrss” }, “withPlaylist”: false, “theme”: “light”, “isWaveForm”: false, “playerDisplay”: { “playbackSpeed”: true, “tracking”: true, “description”: true, “share”: true, “subscribe”: true, “download”: true }, “playlistDisplay”: { “playlistDates”: true, “playlistTimes”: true, “playlistDownloads”: true }, … Continued